Neurosurgical Device for Immersive Distraction Therapy

The present invention is a device that allows a patient who is undergoing neurosurgery to be distracted through a virtual reality environment


The present invention is a device that allows a patient who is undergoing neurosurgery to be distracted through a virtual reality environment


• Mechanical device that attaches to stereotactic headframe
• Allows distraction of patient during brain surgeries where patient is awake
• Allows patient to provide feedback when necessary


The use of stereotactic head frames remains an integral part of neurosurgical practice today for the implantation of deep brain stimulators, depth electrodes, stereotactic brain biopsy, and cranial radiosurgery. During those brain surgeries the patient needs to be awake, which generates anxiety. The present invention is a device that allows a virtual reality headset to be mounted on a stereotactic head frame so that the patient can be distracted during the operation. The headset has been 3D printed, made of plastic, with two lenses, and does not include any circuitry on it. The headset has a slot where the physician can put a smartphone and can set up games, movies or 3D experiences. The model is using the Google VR software package.


Prototype built and tested


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