Author: Bioventures Team

HPV E6 protein T cell epitopes and uses thereof

The present invention is directed to the examination of the pattern of immunodominant T cell epitopes in the E6 protein of Human Papilloma virus and its further characterization in terms of its amino acid sequence and Human Leukocyte Antigen restriction.

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Indole molecules and use thereof in the inhibition of DNA polymerases

Indole molecules and use thereof in the inhibition of DNA polymerases

Compositions and methods for the inhibition of DNA polymerases. The methods and compositions as described herein are useful in the treatment of cancer. In particular, the present disclosure provides compositions comprising one or more of indole-derived compounds useful in treatment of cancers, including those which are resistant to genotoxic therapies.

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Device and method for in vivo flow cytometry using the detection of photoacoustic waves

A photoacoustic flow cytometry (PAFC) device for the in vivo detection of cells circulating in blood or lymphatic vessels is described. Ultrasound transducers attached to the skin of an organism detect the photoacoustic ultrasound waves emitted by target objects in response to their illumination by at least one pulse of laser energy delivered using at least one wavelength. The wavelengths of the laser light pulse may be varied to optimize the absorption of the laser energy by the target object. Target objects detected by the device may be unlabelled biological cells or cell products, contrast agents, or biological cells labeled with one or more contrast agents.

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T cells and bifunctional protein against human papillomavirus

Recombinant T cell clonotypes are provided that express T cell receptor alpha and T cell receptor beta polypeptides with specificity for human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 E6 protein and that amplify in response to a therapeutic vaccine and traffic to ovarian lesional tissue in a patient whose HPV lesions regressed in response to the vaccine. Recombinant T cells expressing appropriate TCR alpha and beta complimentarity determining sequences for HPV 16 E6 binding and treating HPV-cased cancers are provided. Bifunctional proteins having TCR alpha and beta segments that bind to HPV 16 E6 residues 91-115 and a single chain Fv anti-CD3 antibody domain are provided. These bifunctional proteins can direct T cells to HPV-infected cells.

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Compounds that induce degradation of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins and the uses thereof

A device and method of using the device to detect the presence and composition of clots and other target objects in a circulatory vessel of a living subject is described. In particular, devices and methods of detecting the presence and composition of clots and other target objects in a circulatory vessel of a living subject using in vivo photoacoustic flow cytometry techniques is described.

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Device and method for in vivo detection of clots within circulatory vessels

A device and method of using the device to detect the presence and composition of clots and other target objects in a circulatory vessel of a living subject is described. In particular, devices and methods of detecting the presence and composition of clots and other target objects in a circulatory vessel of a living subject using in vivo photoacoustic flow cytometry techniques is described.

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Use of amino acid supplementation for improved muscle protein synthesis

The present invention encompasses an amino acid composition for stimulating muscle protein synthesis. Further, the present disclosure relates generally to the use of an anabolic amino acid composition for the stimulation of muscle protein synthesis. In particular, disclosed are compositions and methods of using the same for the prevention and/or treatment of a loss of any one of muscle mass, muscle strength, muscle function, and physical function, or any combination thereof, in a mammal, especially an adult mammal. Also provided are kits comprising a composition for the stimulation of muscle protein synthesis and, in certain embodiments, instructions for administration.

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Compositions and methods for the treatment and diagnosis of cancer

Disclosed herein are RNA methyltransf erase inhibitors and methods of using and making the same. The inhibitors may be used in a method for the treatment of a subject in need of a treatment for a cancer by administering an effective amount of the RNA methyltransferase inhibitor and an effective amount of a DNA damaging agent to the subject.

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